Our mission is to bring people, government agencies, and private interests together to manage the natural resources and environmental challenges of Delaware County and the state of Ohio.
The Delaware Soil & Water Conservation District, located in Delaware County, Ohio, is an independent subdivision of the state of Ohio and governed by a locally elected Board of Supervisors. The District, associated with the Ohio Department of Agriculture-Division of Soil and Water Conservation, receives funding with local tax dollars that are matched by the state.
Board of Supervisors (Public-elected officials)
The Board of Supervisors’ board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Delaware Soil and Water office unless otherwise noted. Board meetings are open to the public to attend. If you have a specific concern or topic of conversation to discuss, please contact the office to be added to our board meeting agenda. Official Meeting Schedule
Board of Supervisors 2025: Sue Cunningham (Board Chair), Brian Skinner, Mike Hope, Dan Lane, and Randy Leienberger
Delaware Soil & Water Conservation District Staff
Scott Stephens, District Administrator | Matt Lanum, Deputy Administrator & Resource Conservation Project Coordinator |
Susan Kuba, Deputy Administrator & Fiscal Services Coordinator |
Joey Hurford, Field Team Lead |
Bret Bacon, Deputy Administrator & Resource Conservation Program Coordinator |
Jason Vaughn, Field Team Lead |
Josh Troyer, GIS & Technology Systems Coordinator | Mike Hollingsworth, Field Team Lead |
Chris Johnson, Engineering Technician | Bob Sherman, Field Technician |
Harrison Garling, Engineering Technician | Matthew Kidd, Field Technician |
Darrla Vaughn, Administrative Assistant | Austin Schauer, Field Technician |
Erin Fisher, Communications & Outreach Coordinator | Shaun Havens, Field Technician |
Sully Fisher, Field Technician |
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Staff
Eliezer Ortiz, District Conservationist