Drainage Review Permit Application Form (Click Here for Fillable PDF)
*Please note that we require a hand-written signature. The signed application form and plot plan can either be scanned and emailed or submitted in person at the SWCD office, 1610 State Route 521, Delaware, OH.
Email signed forms to: swcdpermit@co.delaware.oh.us
Downloadable Instructions (same instructions are outlined below): Drainage Review Permit Application Instructions (New)
How to apply for a Drainage Review Permit (New Process)
Complete the application form either by clicking on the link above or by visiting the SWCD office. Complete one application form for each type of building activity planned. Multiple application forms can be submitted simultaneously under a single application fee, but each building type will be assigned its own permit.
- Click here to visit the Delaware County Auditor GIS Property Search Website
- Type in address or owner name
- A window will pop up with Parcel Number at the top
The completed application form(s) must be printed and signed. Please note that we require a hand-written signature. A plot plan showing the building activity location on the parcel is required for submittal. The signed application form and plot plan can either be scanned and emailed to swcdpermit@co.delaware.oh.us or submitted in person at the SWCD office, 1610 State Route 521, Delaware, OH. YOUR PERMIT WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL BOTH THE SIGNED APPLICATION FORM AND PLOT PLAN ARE RECEIVED.
- For Commercial developments only, if you have already submitted site development plans to the County Engineer’s office, providing the “DEV” number assigned for the Engineer’s review will be accepted in lieu of submitting a plot plan or engineering plans.
After submittal, you will receive an email notifying you of your permit number and the name and email of your inspector. Please reference the permit number in all future communications regarding your Drainage Review.
The inspector will conduct a desktop review to determine whether an onsite inspection is necessary. An onsite inspection may be done by the inspector alone, or in some cases, it may be necessary for the inspector to schedule a time to meet the applicant or someone knowledgeable about the build at the building site.
When the review is complete, a Mitigation Requirements document will be emailed to the applicant and/or landowner. This document will show the required fees, site specific mitigation requirements to be satisfied, and general mitigation provisions. You will need to submit this document to the Department of Building Safety when applying for the building permit.
The Department of Building Safety will collect all fees associated with the Drainage Review Permit as part of your building permit fees.
All Drainage Review Permit mitigation requirements must be satisfied before Building Safety will schedule your final inspection for occupancy.
What is a Drainage Review Permit?
Authorized by Ohio Revised Code Sec. 307.37, Drainage Review Permits are a component of Delaware County’s Building Code that is administered by the Soil and Water Conservation District. These reviews are intended to avoid future drainage problems for the homeowner and adjacent landowners that might directly result from development activities on a property. This review process does not apply to any property that has been approved by the county platting authority (Regional Planning) under Section 711.05, 711.09, or 711.10 of the Revised Code. In other words, all lots within a platted subdivision, including platted CADs, are exempt from the Drainage Review permit process. Properties within the municipalities of Delaware County are also exempt even if their building permit is handled by the County’s Dept. of Building Safety.
Drainage Review Permits will be required for all parcels, 1 acre and larger, that are not in a platted subdivision or municipality, when a building permit is required for any construction altering the existing footprint of the lot. The Drainage Review Permit must be obtained prior to applying for the building permit. The purpose of the Drainage Review Permit is to review the specific effects of the proposed new construction on existing surface and subsurface drainage.
Specifically, the Delaware SWCD has been appointed by the Delaware County Commissioners to conduct the inspections required for these reviews and to make evaluations about what, if any, alterations are necessary to prevent or correct any adverse effects that a proposed new construction may have on existing surface or subsurface drainage.
The Delaware SWCD has been appointed by the Delaware County Commissioners to conduct the inspections required for these reviews, and to make evaluations about what, if any, alterations are necessary to prevent or correct any adverse effects that the proposed construction may have on the existing surface or subsurface drainage.
The Drainage Review Permit process must be initiated prior to the building permit application process. Once the application is made, the Delaware SWCD will schedule an on-site visit at which the attendance of someone knowledgeable about the build is required. Per state law, on-site visits must be scheduled a minimum of one week following receipt of the application. Most on-site visits are scheduled within ten working days of receipt.
Fees for Drainage Review Permits
Application Fee: $125
Mitigation Inspection Fee: $100
Re-inspection Fee: $100 per occurrence
Mitigation inspection fees are only applied to those sites requiring mitigation, inspection, or alterations of the existing drainage system during the building process. This is a flat fee regardless of the number of mitigations required. A re-inspection fee is applied if an initial mitigation approval inspection is requested, and does not satisfactorily meet the requirements for approval thus requiring a subsequent visit.
A separate Drainage Review Permit application is required for each activity on a property that requires a building permit and is changing the footprint of the existing development. Applications may be submitted simultaneously for different structures on a property as long as the building permits will be applied for within a calendar year of the review. For example, permits may be requested for a house, outbuilding/barn, and pool. Under this scenario, only the primary structure will be charged the application fee, and the mitigation fees, if necessary, would be applied independently to each permit.
All fees for Drainage Review Permits are collected by the Delaware County Dept. of Building Safety as part of the building permit application.
Culvert/Driveway Mitigation Guidance & Information (PDF) Download
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is required to have a Drainage Protection Review?
A drainage review permit is required for any construction that needs a building permit on a property 1 acre or larger that is not in a platted subdivision.
Do I need a Drainage Protection Review before applying for a building permit?
Yes, the drainage review permit process must be completed BEFORE applying for a building permit.
I am building on to my existing house. Do I need to go through this process?
Additions that cause the footprint of the structure to change, or require excavation are required to have a drainage review permit. Additions that are strictly vertical, or do not change the footprint, do not need to have a drainage review permit.
How long does the process take?
The drainage review permit process takes about one week from the time that an application is received.
How do I apply?
There is a new online application process as of October 18, 2024. Follow the steps above for our new application procedure