Contractors List
Need a contractor to install tile drainage, build a pond, or any other type of earthmoving? Check our list for information on local land improvement contractors.
Drought Resources
Ohio Department of Agriculture Drought Resources
If you have been impacted by the 2024 drought, please:
- Contact your local Farm Service Agency
- Keep track of your records
- Check on your neighbor
Ohio State University Extension (OSUE) Resources
Drainage Issues
This publication discusses surface and subsurface drainage issues and ideas on how to take care of them.
Drainage Maintenance Program
Drainage Maintenance Program in Subdivisions
Drainage Petition Resources
Learn about Ohio’s drainage laws and how to petition to have a drainage area placed under the Delaware County maintenance program.
Ohio Drainage Petition Procedures
Pollinators and Monarch Butterfly Habitat in Gardens Guides
Help these beautiful, yet imperiled, creatures on your property.
Create your own conservation cover: pollinator quick guide
Planting for Pollinators: Principles and Design for Residential Pollinator Habitat
Guide to Monarch Habitat in Gardens
Type in your zip code to get the specific plan for your location for selecting plants to install for pollinators.
National Wildlife Federation Schoolyard Habitats Planning Guide
Selecting Plants for Pollinators
Local Sources for Native Plants
Pond Resources
Whether you have a pond (or are hoping to build one) — these publications will guide you in the planning, care, and maintenance of owning a pond.
Pond Design and Management Handbook
Muddy Water in Ponds: Causes, Prevention, and Remedies
Placing Artificial Fish Attractors in Ponds and Reservoirs
Winter and Summer Fish Kills in Ponds
Fish Species Selection for Pond Stocking
Be A Responsible Grass Carp Owner
Coping with Canada Geese: Conflict Management and Damage Prevention Strategies
A Management Challenge: Water Quality in Residential-Neighborhood Ponds
Need one-on-one help? Access Open Pond Clinic via Zoom with Eugene Braig, Program Director of Aquatic Ecosystems at Ohio State University Extension – School of Environment and Natural Resources.
Rain Barrels
Rain barrels attach to your downspout or rain chain to capture rainwater runoff.
Rain Garden Manual
Rain gardens provide a beautiful way to capture and filter stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces around the home and office. This manual is the perfect recipe for creating one on your property.
Soil Testing
Soil tests provide a wealth of information on soils around your home.
Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens
How to Collect a Soil Sample Quick Guide
Trees and Managing Woodlots
Learn to choose, properly plant, or manage woody plants on your property.
Alternatives for Invasive Plants in Ohio
Hand Planting Trees and Shrubs
Managing Small Forest Patches for Birds
Local Sources for Native Plant Purchases